Justice By Deception


Justice by Deception is powerful true story about a teenage boy and his mother who struggle to navigate an often corrupt and unjust legal system. Mallory and Trey find themselves tormented and trapped in a nightmare surrounded by police coercion, illegal police tactics, inefficient counsel, drug court injustices, and the endless money pit within the judicial system.

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A compelling true story about the potential for virtuosity to reclaim a sense of justice long ago lost and a strident overture to fix a dysfunctional, tainted conception of justice—from the eyes of a mother whose personal five-year journey takes her through an often exhausting and enigmatic judicial system.

J.K. Cook is a veteran nurse of twenty-three-plus years with an extensive work history in the mental health realm of health care. For over fourteen years she worked with incarcerated individuals and listened to their stories, all the while thinking they were manipulative, dishonest, and culpable people. At the time, and until her own son was thrown into a labyrinthine justice system, she did not understand or realize how tainted the American system of justice is. Riddled with police coercion, illegal police tactics, ineffective counsel, drug court injustices, and an endless money pit involved with bringing about a defense for a defendant—innocent or guilty—habitually accepted nationwide, the current justice system violates a defendant’s constitutional rights and freedom daily. Her son’s multiple encounters with law enforcement and her epic struggles with the court system to fight for her son’s civil rights plunged J.K. Cook into a legal conglomeration hinged on provincial politics, money lust, and biased “Drug War” statistics.

Justice by Deception is a monumental affirmation of an optimistic young boy searching for masculinity who suddenly finds himself and his mother tormented and trapped in an often corrupt and unjust small, town legal system, and an exhilarating petition for benevolence in the procurement of genuine and accurate justice.


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